Itak Moradi

  • Biography
  • Key Cases

Itak Moradi joined the firm in 2023. During her legal career, her practice has focused on litigating high-stakes fraud and deceitful business practices. She brings a passion for public advocacy to her work and is a precise and creative litigator.

Itak’s work at the firm covers the full spectrum of case development and litigation, including trial. She currently helps manage the firm’s Steering Committee responsibilities in FTX Cryptocurrency Exchange Collapse Litigation and Altria-Juul E-Cigarette Antitrust Litigation, and is a part of the trial preparation team for the fall 2024 class action trial in UFC Antitrust Litigation.

Itak is a former senior associate at Knox Ricksen LLP (Knox) in Walnut Creek. While there for six years, she handled complex, multi-party qui tams involving multi-million-dollar fraud and conspiracy actions against health care professionals, attorneys, and other corporate actors. In 2022, she second-chaired a bench trial resulting in a nine-figure judgment.

Prior to Knox, Itak worked at three Bay Area firms on personal injury, fraud, and class action litigations. While in law school, she was on the board of the Public Interest Law Foundation, and co-authored proposed legislation for the City of San Francisco and policy recommendations for the California Senate Office of Research.

From 2020-present, Itak has been selected by Super Lawyers as a Northern California Super Lawyer “Rising Star.” In 2024, Best Lawyers named her as "One to Watch." She is a member of the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association, Iranian American Bar Association, and Anti-Fraud Alliance, and is a fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America.

Itak authored “Sotomayor’s Retirement Debate Sparks Discussion on Sexism, Ageism, and Ableism,” an article that appeared in the June 19, 2024, California Daily Journal legal newspaper. She analyzed recent calls for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to retire due to political, health, and age considerations, and explored how this predicament resides within the broader need for reforms to the SCOTUS bench.

Itak volunteers as a board member and attorney for the Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals (CCLP), San Francisco Chapter, and provides free legal services on housing and wage issues for San Francisco and Oakland residents. In 2018, she and CCLP successfully initiated a HUD investigation into 300+ unlawful eviction notices that were ultimately withdrawn. 

  • Best Lawyers: One to Watch (2024)
  • Super Lawyers: Northern California "Rising Star"—Antitrust Litigation (2020-present)


  • Rising Stars Super Lawyers
  • 2025 Itak Moradi Ones to Watch badge-1
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